Greetings, Elemental Masters

Ah, childhood nostolgia. I started watching this how when I was *checks notes* seventeen years of age.

So yeah this wasn't a childhood thing. It was a cried-realizing-this-was-going-to-be-my-next-hyperfix-and-I-really-didn't-want-it-to-be thing. I had a lot of RSD back then, and was very self concious. Not anymore lmao. These ninjas are so goddamn cool! The dynamics are a goldmine for writers who want to poke at the bits of silly lego people.

I am a Lloyd girlie. I am also a movie girlie. I have watched that movie far too many times and lovveeeddd the game. I could not find a safe embed for the movie so if anyone has one plleeeeeasssseeee tell me :>